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, by Mark Burhenne
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Product details
File Size: 8549 KB
Print Length: 183 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: October 30, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#231,656 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I suffer from a combination of obstructive sleep apnea and circadian rhythm disorder, so needless to say this was exactly the type of book I was looking for. It's written by a dentist who has extensive experience in the area of sleep apnea, as well as innumerable other sleep issues.Unlike other books that I've read on the subject, this one manages to offer full explanations for the various sleep disorders, and does so without delving so deep into the subject that you can't understand what the author is saying. All of the prior books that I've read, are either too scientific, or too simplistic. Many are too holistic in their approach, and were of no help to me.This book is superbly written & researched, and presents complex scientific information in layman's terms. Sleep apnea, as well as other sleep disorders, can not only affect the quality of your life, but they can actually be life threatening. We all know that daytime tiredness can lead to all sorts of problems, such as car accidents, problems at work, etc. What many people don't realize is that sleep apnea can lead to premature death, as well as damage to the heart.Recently, I had a sleep study performed at a local hospital. I was shocked when the doctor informed me that my O2 levels had dropped to 70% during episodes where I stopped breathing. When I asked him if this was a serious problem, his response was, 'You could die from this.' I was left in a complete daze when I heard these words.Now, I'm going through the process of trying out different CPAP machines and masks, as well as mandibular advancement devices. Despite the doctors warning that I could die from low O2 levels, I'm having a terrible time adjusting to CPAP. Hopefully, I'll be able to correct my issues with a dental device. If not, I'll have no choice but to use CPAP.The bottom line is that sleep issues are serious and should never be taken lightly. This book covers everything that you could possibly want to know about sleep apnea and other sleep issues. It should be read by anyone who thinks that they have a problem obtaining a quality nights sleep. It should also be followed up with an appointment with a doctor who specializes in sleep disorders, as this could possibly save your life.This is by far the most detailed and important book that I've ever read on the subject. 5 stars.
I stumbled upon an interview with the author of this book after doing some research on how to heal some issues I'm having with my dental health. Several months ago my dentist recommended I get an occlusal guard telling me I was grinding my teeth in my sleep but didn't offer me any other insights on this. Due to the costs I didn't look into it and unfortunately, my teeth are starting to chip and deteriorate at an alarming rate for someone as ping as myself. Reading this book set off a million light bulbs in my head. I Am convinced that I am suffering from some disordered sleep patterns due to obstructed breathing and it very well may be the ROOT CAUSE of all the health issues I've been trying and often failing to rectify over the past few years. I plan to follow up with my doctor and seek out a sleep study and whatever treatment is nessacary to fix my sleep. This life is too precious and I want to live a meaningful life and help others in this world, but to do that, I'm convinced I need to fix my sleep so I can use my gifts and express my full potential. Yeah, a book on sleep and dental health moved me that deeply: I highly recommend this read if you are someone who is struggling with sleep, energy, mood, or dental health issues. It might just change your whole perspective.
Why did I purchase a book on sleep disorders? I have been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation and sleep apnea (there may be a correlation). I have been reluctant to treat my sleep apnea for many reasons (who wants to wear a CPAP device?) and thought I could learn more on the topic. However, after reading this book, I am going to meet with my physician once again and more seriously revisit the options for treating my sleep apnea.The book is truly comprehensive in addressing the topic of sleep disorders. It outlines in simple, understandable language the relationship between deep sleep and one’s health and quality of life. It also conveys the serious health dangers of getting insufficient quality sleep.The book recommends several steps to take to determine if one should undertake a formal sleep study. These include asking one’s dentist to perform a simple sleep apnea screening (book provides the questions to ask the dentist!), downloading a phone app that records the sounds that one makes while sleeping, mouth taping, and taking the STOP-BANG Sleep Apnea and Epworth Sleepiness Scale questionnaires .After taking these and other steps, if the reader concludes he needs to participate in a sleep study, the book recommends the specific study to undertake.If after undertaking a sleep study one is actually diagnosed with sleep-disordered breathing, the book outlines in detail various treatment options, along with the pros and cons of each.Reading this book has provided me with the information I need to have a more informed conversation with my doctor on sleep apnea and makes me realize that my delay in treating sleep apnea is truly harmful to my health and well-being.Should any of this resonate with you, I recommend that you purchase this book.
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